Monday, November 17, 2014

Town Hall 4 - Upgrade Order And Example Bases

Introduction :

Town Hall 4 is a very quick level in Clash of Clans if you upgrade effectively
Most players have two builders (unless a player buys gems or spends a lot of time town hall sniping for the 1250 trophy achievement). Two builders is all that is needed at this town hall level, as two builders can max out most buildings by the time new research finishes.

Your First Priority For Upgrades :

Builder 1 :

1st.) Upgrade Laboratory 
The first priority as soon as you reach town hall 4 is to start upgrading the laboratory. By starting the laboratory early, you can start on the research earlier. 

 2nd.) Upgrade Storage Structures
Upgrade your storage structures (Gold and Elixir Storage) early on, the reason for this is to increase the maximum amount of resources you can hold so that you can farm up to the resource cap while builders are busy working. By upgrading storage structures early, you will significantly increase your ability to upgrade your walls in a timely fashion.

When a builder becomes free, you can then spend any excess resources on wall upgrades before starting the next upgrade

Builder 2 :

1st) Place Walls
 First, this builder should build all the new walls and spend excess resources upgrading these walls.

 2nd) Create Barracks
Then build a new barracks 
3rd) Upgrade Barracks
 Upgrade it to level two.

4th.) New Archer Tower
 Then start building the new Archer Tower unlocked at level 4.

 5th) Adjust New Base
  Rearrange your base to a town hall 4 farming defensive base.

A few examples :


6th) Upgrade Army Camps
 Start upgrading each army camp to its new maximum level.

Your Second Priority For Upgrades :

After finishing your first priority upgrades(which takes a little less than a day), it is time to start working on these secondary upgrades. It only takes a day or so to complete the first two tasks, at which point you can start upgrading to town hall 5.

 1st.) Upgrade the Clan Castle
Upgrade the clan castle. Increasing the capacity of this structure from 10 to 15 units can boost your strength noticeably, particularly if you are in a clan where higher level players can donate to you.

2nd. ) Build the air defense tower
 and upgrade all towers to your new maximum level
Upgrade all towers to their maximum level allowed at town hall 4. 
The longest upgrade here is the air defense tower, which takes a full day to upgrade to level 2.
 Upgrading the rest of the towers to their new maximum only takes around a day, so one builder can focus on the air defense tower while the other builder can focus on the cannons, archer towers, and mortar.

3rd.) Use one builder to start town hall 5 and use second builder to upgrade barracks
Max out your defensive towers, then start upgrading towards town hall 5. It takes a full 2 days for town hall 5 to complete, so start this upgrade before fully upgrading everything. 
Use the free builder to upgrade your 3 Barracks to their new max level.

4th.) Build and upgrade mines & collectors
If you finish upgrading the Barracks to their maximum level before the town hall 5 upgrade finishes, you can put your free builder(s) to work by building and upgrading gold mines and elixir collectors. 
Do not worry about maxing these out before reaching town hall 5. Most of your resources at this level will not come from collectors and mines but rather from farming.
 It is not worth delaying the town hall 5 upgrade in order to max out these collectors.

Advice on walls :
Walls should be upgraded throughout this process. Try to farm excess resources while your builders are occupied. When a builder becomes free, you can use these extra resources to upgrade walls before starting the next upgrade.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Epic War Failures, How To Avoid

Epic War Failures, How to Avoid :
Some Of These Are Routine, Still Good To Review

(1) Golem use, do not bunch the golems

Golems have a huge amount of hit points, and work well to protect other offenses in a attack. If your Golems are stacked on top of each other, they will do a poor job providing cover for your wizards, witches, and other troops.  Spreading golems out and use them to "tank" defenses while your high damage per second troops move in from behind is the wise way, draw the fire to the heavy absorbers.


(2) Do Not Mix Troops :

Stick with your winning and proven attacks strategy. Mixing air &  ground troops is hardly ever a good idea.  Watch other players replays, learn from them.  We each have something to teach the other. You can adapt the army composition how you like, but in general if you have never seen that particular combination is likely NOT an effective attack plan.

(3)  Spells and Exact Placement(s) :

Three words...Spell placement & timing  Time and time again, I have seen spells turn a loss into a win. Most all close battles are won or lost by when( timing) and where (placement) you drop the spells.
    Clash of Clans Spells A. Rage Spells -  Rage spells - Watch closely, know which buildings your units are headed towards, and anticipate their movements.  Drop those rages ahead of them, so they use the area of effect longer.

    B. Lightning spells - wait for just the right moment.  Release your lightning too soon, and you may miss the troops your aiming for.  If you're trying to zap those clan castle troops, wait for them to bunch up close together.

    C. Freeze spells - Try to drop them over as many defensive structures at once as possible.  Know the radius of effect, and time it for when your units need it the most.

    D. Jump spells - Don't drop your jump spells where you WANT your units to go, drop them where they ARE going.  Again, know each unit's behavior, and try to anticipate their movement. 

(4) Never, Ever Underestimate The Little Guy :

Watch out for those clan castle troops.  If not dealt with properly, they can lay waste to a good attack.  If you can't pull them out and get rid of them at the beginning of an attack, make sure you're prepared with a lightning spell, or a rage spell and a few extra units, just in case. 

(5) Do Not Zap Dragons :

Don't waste a lightning spell on a dragon!!! Just in the last few wars we witnessed this...  If a dragon comes out of the opposing Clan Castle, you'll need to deal with it another way.  Save the lightning spell for a small building, or another attack.  

(6) Clear Areas :

If you're trying to get your units to the center of an opposing village, you'll need to remember that most units head towards the closest standing structure.  You'll need to clear the surrounding buildings to the left and the right first. 

(7) Do Not Go For Bases Gap Areas :

Bases with inviting little gap spots for you to deploy your troops, can be misleading.  Usually, almost ALL of your opponents' defenses are laid out in a way so that they can fire on that spot the moment the battle begins.  Secondly, the gap spot won't be so easy to find once the battle starts and you may have a difficult time clicking on it quickly to deploy more troops.  

(8) Don't Leave Your Healers Hanging :

Make sure your healers are well away from air defenses during an attack.  Also, if you're using a rage spell, try to get them within the area of effect for best results. Time and again I see this not used together.

(9) Do Not Cross the Inferno Tower Streams :

When attacking a base with two inferno towers, it is best to line them up- so that you're only facing one at a time.  Two multiple targeting inferno towers can wreck havoc in just a few seconds, prematurely ending your attack.

(10) Avoid Splash Damage From Grouping Your Troops To Close :

Watch out for the splash damage from defensive units like wizard towers and mortars.  Avoid no matter what,  deploying most of your units in a small group(s) near them.  Just a few hits and poof you've lost them..  Instead, use larger units like giants & golems heading towards them, and spread out units behind the shields...wizards, witches, or archers to do the damage from behind.

(11) Don't Over Estimate Witches, Placement and Timing Again... :

The witch can be a powerful unit used properly, generating skeletons every few seconds during a battle, but she is very fragile. Once again...placement plays a key role in her movement and timing to be able to build enough need to deploy witches away from defenses to give them time to build up their skeleton army.

(12) Bring Full Clan Castle, Spells, & Hero's :

Sounds silly I know, but we have all done this from time to time :). Make sure you bring a full clan castle and both your King and Queen to every battle, even if you don't plan on using them.  It's always good to have a safety net.  

(13) Use Wall Breakers Wisely :

Know how many wall breakers are required for the job you want them to do.  Don't waste them by sending in too many- and watch out for flying mortar shells.  Try to time their release between mortar rounds so that they dodge those big splash damage bangs. 

(14) Watch Your Step Look out for bombs and traps :

  Send in scout troops, test areas when in doubt if at all possible before committing a large number of troops to a specific area. Many battles have been lost when an entire group of wizards, hogs, and easily witches are destroyed in an instant. 

(15) Check Twice, Spell Once : 
Something else we have all been guilty of at one time or another :). Make absolutely sure your spells are ready before starting a attack.  Double check your inventory to make sure you haven't forgotten them. 

(16) Do Not Enrage A Raging King :
The king's special rage ability and the rage spell do not stack on each other.  Do not use them together! See this time and again on people new to king usage.

Town Hall 5 - Upgrade Order And Example Bases

So, You're Upgrading : 
General Information & Guide For TH5

Town Hall 5 is a big upgrade for players of Clash of Clans, as many new structures and upgrades are introduced at this Town Hall level. In this guide to upgrade order and priority, we will discuss which upgrades to get first at Town Hall 5.
Some players will have two builders and some players will have three builders going into Town Hall 5. If you only have two builders, be sure to unlock the 450 gem achievement for reaching 1250 trophies as a top priority. Getting this third builder is a necessity if you value fast and efficient base leveling. Pushing up in trophies can be done easily simply by attacking and skipping bases until you find one with a Town Hall off in the corner. You can kill (snipe) these Town Halls over and over again until you reach 1250 trophies. You can then drop down to a more appropriate trophy count for TH5 (700-1,000 trophies).
For the purposes of this guide, I will assume you have two builders to start with and that you will unlock your third builder at some point during Town Hall 5. If you already have three builders, have your third builder start on the items in the Task List lower in this article while your first two builders can start on your highest priority structures.

 First Priority Upgrades and Structures

At Town Hall 5, these structures take higher priority over any others. Upon completing these upgrades, work on the secondary task list lower in this guide in order.

Builder 1
Laboratory & Spell Factory

Your first builder should start upgrading the Laboratory as soon as Town Hall 5 completes. The Laboratory’s upgrades are the biggest increase in strength you get at this level. Start with Barbarian level 3 research and follow up with Archer level 3. These unit upgrades will make a huge difference in your farming ability.

As soon as this builder finishes the Laboratory, you can start building the Spell Factory. While a single Lightning Spell is not terribly useful at this level, it can still be used to take out Clan Castle units should the situation deem it necessary.

Builder 2
 New Walls & New Army Camp & Army Camp Upgrades

The second builder should dump all excess gold into walls and then focus on Army Camps. First, start the new Army Camp and do not stop upgrading it with this builder until it is maxed out. Keep this builder on Army Camp duty, upgrading the two previously existing Army Camps to their new max level. This will bring the supply count of your army to 135, massively improving your strength compared to Town Hall 4 players.

Second Priority Upgrades & Structures

After the two builders (if you have a third builder, start here with it) have finished up their work, start working through these tasks in order.

(1)  New Towers & Base Layout :
At Town Hall 5, you get a new Cannon, Archer Tower, and Wizard Tower. Build each one, in that order. Once you start constructing the Wizard Tower, rearrange your base to an appropriate TH5 layout.

(2)  Upgrade Barracks :
Take one builder and start upgrading your Barracks to their maximum level. Just use one builder for this purpose, as if you upgrade too many Barracks at once, it will be difficult to produce units to farm.

(3)  Upgrade Defensive Towers, Starting With New Towers :
As your Barracks are being upgraded, take your remaining builder(s) and upgrade defensive towers. Start with the new towers, as the quick upgrades to the Cannon and Archer Tower will result in the largest increases in strength. You will want to fully upgrade all defensive towers before upgrading to Town Hall 6.

(4)  Upgrade Remaining Structures :
Upgrade any remaining structures, walls, and research if you have not done so already. This includes resource storage buildings. Start Town Hall 6. While Town Hall 6 is being upgraded, if your builders become free, you can upgrade Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors. You do not have to max out Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors before moving on to Town Hall 6.

About Walls
Walls should be upgraded throughout the entire Town Hall 5 leveling process. Towers and structures cost far less than the gold or elixir cap; you can farm until your resources are capped when your builders are busy, then as one builder becomes available, you can spend all excess resources on walls (saving just enough to start the next upgrade without delay). You should be able to max walls before your structures if you do this regularly.

A Couple Of Defensive Base Setups :




Example Of A 360 Degree 
Defensive Base :

The Base

 Giant Flow

 Goblin Flow

Barbarian Flow

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


                              Minion 1 Minion 3      Minion 5       Minion 6
                                Level 1 & 2       Level 3 & 4      Level 5      Level 6

Introduction :

The Minion is a fast, cheap and relatively weak ranged flying troop. Its appearance is that of a gargoyle with large horns, stubby wings and large hands with sharp vicious claws that are covered in dark elixir .It is made of dark elixir and is trained in the dark barracks
The Minion's method of attack is actually spitting dark elixir.Because it is a flying troop, it cannot be attacked by canons, mortars, or x-bows with ground setting.

The minion is very vulnerable to air defenses & air bombs, while the seeking air mine cannot target the minion..

The minion has the lowest health of the dark troops and does the least damage per second, it has the fastest training time and requires the least housing space. 

 A interesting mathematical fact is using a per housing space basis as the parameter measured, the minion has the highest DPS of all dark elixir troops.

The Minion is the fastest flying unit, and one of the fastest troops overall along with the goblin.

The Minion is the first, and so far only, dark elixir troop that can be upgraded to level 6 in the lab.

Defensive Strategy :

It is helpful to place the air bombs near storage's & your town hall. 

Placement of air defenses, wizard towers, x-bows, and archer towers will put a quick end to the easily killed minion masses that some players use from time to time and just make for strong air defense practice in general.

Minions, although individually weak, are very powerful in large numbers.

Protect archer towers & air defenses with a wizard towers which do devastating splash damage to hordes of minions.

If your attacker plans on deploying a large number of minions, they will typically use the technique of first deploying singular minions strategically  to set off your air bombs. The counter to this attack strategy is to make sure the trigger radius of each air bomb is at least behind the first row of defended buildings; this will help ensure that the single minions will be destroyed by other defenses before they can trigger the air bombs

Minions are useful in the clan castles, but rarely used,  as they can attack both ground & air troops for a decent amount of damage when higher levels & can only be hit by dragons, archers, wizards, witches and of course other minions :).

Offensive Strategy :

Minions are relatively inexpensive and take up only 2 housing spaces, making them well suited to use in a group rush strategy

 A useful technique is to carry a small number of minions (approx. 10) to selectively attack buildings that are defended by ground defenses : mortars, canon, x-bow set ground mode.

A large group of minions can be destroyed by a single air bomb; therefore a good strategy is to deploy them one at a time in different locations to set off the air bombs, and then follow up by deploying large groups of minions. 

Another useful attack technique for 50% kills  is using giants as a distraction when using minions to attack other buildings is a good idea since the giants will attack the defensive buildings and keep them occupied while the minions attack all the outside buildings achieving at least 50% damage.

Giants can be used to destroy an air defense, they will not occupy the air defenses targeting attention while it is being attacked and the air defense will still shoot at the minions.

A exceptionally useful technique  in the single player campaign, since there is no time limitations, is to simply destroy air defenses/archer towers/and wizard towers then deploy a few or even a single minion which will proceed to destroy all remaining structures...but be careful that you don't time out due to inactivity. Avoid by deploying  multiple minions over time, move screen etc. etc.

Statistics :

Preferred Target Attack Type Housing Space
Training Time Movement Speed
Attack Speed Dark Barracks Level Required Range
None Ground & Air 2 45s 32 1s 1 2.75 tiles
Level Damage per Second Hit Points Training Cost Dark elixir Research CostDark elixir Lab Level Required Research Time
1 35 55 6 N/A N/A N/A
2 38 60 7 10,000 5 5 days
3 42 66 8 20,000 6 6 days
4 46 72 9 30,000 6 7 days
5 50 78 10 40,000 7 10 days
6 54 84 11 100,000 8 14 days

Sunday, November 9, 2014


                               Healer1                          Healer3
                                      Level 1 & 2         Level 3 & 4

Introduction :

The healer is a flying unit. 

She is the only troop with no attacking/offensive capability, but can heal any ground troops, except when she is defending as a clan castle troop (in which case she heals damaged buildings, clan castle defensive troops, and heroes).

When the Healer is deployed, a pulsating circular aura appears around her. If all units have full health, she will start healing the closest troops (although it will have no effect on the healed troop(s)).

When ground troops take damage from the defenses she will fly over and start healing. 

Healers will not heal flying units which include :  healers, dragons, balloons, minions or itself,  unlike a healing spell,  which heals every kind of troop.

Although healers have no favorite target, as of the September 16, 2014 update healers now prioritize healing larger group of  your troops.

Offensive Strategy :

A healer does not last long if she is in the range of air defenses, so make sure you destroy or otherwise distract the air defense before sending in your healer(s).

One strategy is to send a few wall breakers in to break the wall that is protecting the air defense if it not placed centrally and is not well protected. Then send in a group of giants (usually 12 or more) to destroy it. 
 Finally send in a Healer along with other troops after the giants. 

As long as the Healer does not get distracted by other troops taking damage, or is not killed by a corner archer tower/wizard tower, the giants will live for a significant amount of time, (due to the constant healing) and will distract the defenses while the other troops destroy everything. This is known as a giant/healer raid and is extremely popular when attacking a town hall 6, since it has only one air defense.

Healers can allow giants and other defensive troops to withstand massive amounts of damage, even doubling that of their normal health.

Support the healer with durable troops like giants/P.E.K.K.A.'s.

Since you are able to heal a healer with a healing spell I have seen the trick of using it skillfully to actually heal the attacking troops the healer is healing and actually healing the healer at the same time...rare, but it has been used effectively.

Defensive Strategy :

 Healers will not last long if in range of a single-target defenses & air defenses, knowing this make sure you upgrade and protect your air defense as much as possible.

Centered placement of your air defense in the middle of the base will provide strong anti-healer ability and will not easily be as easily killed vs other placements.

Statistics :

Preferred Target Attack Type Housing Space Training Time Movement Speed
Attack Speed Barracks Level Required Range
None Heal Splash 2 Tiles Radius (Ground Only) 14 15m 16 0.7s 8 5 tiles
Level Heals per Second Heals per Attack Hit Points Training Cost Elixir Research CostElixir Lab  Level Required Research Time
1 35 25 500 5,000 N/A N/A N/A
2 42 29 600 6,000 750,000 5 3 days
3 55 39 840 8,000 1,500,000 6 5 days
4 71 50 1176 10,000 3,000,000 7 7 days

Friday, November 7, 2014


Introduction :

P.E.K.K.A is the last troop to be unlocked in the standard barracks. 
She has the strongest armor of any of the elixir based troops, and the highest damage of the normal troops. She is the most expensive elixir troop and has the longest training time. 
P.E.K.K.A receives double damage from the hidden tesla due to the conductivity of her armor.
Lightening spells do not do double damage to P.E.K.K.A. 
Level 5 P.E.K.K.As combined with a level 5 rage spell do amazing damage, up to 2,565 damage per attack.
P.E.K.K.A requires the most elixir to upgrade her to maximum level (24,000,000). 
P.E.K.K.A's name may originate from Pekka Clark, who shaped the framework in his masters Thesis for Robot Framework and is the lead developer there. Robot Framework is near Supercell's headquarters in Helsinki, Finland which seems more than a coincidence, since he is a software professional named Pekka that built a Robot framework near Supercell Headquarters and has the same name as the robot character in-game. 


Offensive Strategy :

 Because this troop has the highest attack of all normal units in the game along with very high health, it is good to deploy them in pairs on each corner of the opponent's village and near a bunch of enemy defenses.

 Very few buildings will not survive two attacks of this very powerful unit (600-950 damage per hit depending on level), A good technique is to deploy two P.E.K.K.As, which will be able to destroy most buildings in a single hit.

 Deploying in pairs, mortars won't be as effective either, as they can only damage one pair at a time as opposed to an entire group of P.E.K.K.As deployed together.

 Depending on your usage, especially in breaking though a high level wall, a good technique is to deploy larger groups of P.E.K.K.As. The group will be able to break through the walls with one hit thereby using minimul dps too.. 
Hidden Teslas do twice as much damage to P.E.K.K.As as they do to other troops.

Defensive Strategy

Hidden Teslas deal enough damage to kill a P.E.K.K.A quickly. 

Several P.E.K.K.As together are still quite powerful damage wise and will easily explote weak secondary defenses, so guard against weak defense designs as you progress into the higher level base layouts.

Statistics :

Preferred Target Attack Type Housing Space Training Time Movement Speed
Attack Speed BarracksLevel Required Range
None Melee (Ground Only) 25 45m 16 2.5s 10 0.8 tiles
Level Damage per Second Damage per Attack Hitpoints Training Cost Elixir Research CostElixir Lab Level Required Research Time
1 240 600 2,800 30,000 N/A N/A N/A
2 270 675 3,100 35,000 3,000,000 6 10 days
3 300 750 3,500 40,000 6,000,000 6 12 days
4 340 850 4,000 45,000 7,000,000 8 14 days
5 380 950 4,500 50,000 8,000,000 8 14 days