Thursday, September 25, 2014

War Preperations

Winning The Clan War

Preparation Is The Key

A good practice to follow for higher level war bases is to build troops AFTER war has started. Lower level bases generally should be the ones attacking first and  should time troops to be done building slightly after war starts.

 This gives you the element of surprise when your enemy scouts ahead and sees empty fields.

 Immediate :
 Check your own base layout 
     When clan wars started you could only use your main base layout in clan wars, as clan wars changed Supercell added the war base edit so your war base could be designed differently than your main base. Make sure your War base is geared to protect your TH and defenses, NOT your resources.   The resources can be sacrificed without losing any resources from you coffers.  If you upgraded your Town Hall recently and built new buildings, be sure to add those buildings as they won't be added automatically in the Clan War Base.  Only upgrades to an existing building is added.   And a bonus, any upgrades ongoing will not affect your War Base buildings, the buildings will still operate at their current level.
Soon As Possible :

 Max Your Clan Castle Potential 
 Your Clan Castle isn't just a building, its a defensive structure, so treat it as such.  More importantly, it has a very long range, so it's important to have it in the center of your layout.  Having it next to your TH in the core of your map is not uncommon, and is usually smart.   Placing the CC in the center protects the entire base from all directions, and can limit "luring" of troops if the base is spread out enough.
Another thing to remember, be sure to request defensive troops in your War Base Clan Castle, as the troops in the CC in the Clan War map is not the troops you use for you offensive battles.   Wizards, Archers, and Dragons are usually your best bet, as they target both ground and air troops.  Witches are also a good bet, yet at this point there are no members with witches to use.  When requesting for your Clan Castle in the Clan War Map, be sure and change the standard "I need reinforcement troops" that is already there.   Edit this to request exactly what you desire.   This goes also for your offensive troop requests in your main map prior to battling the enemy.  Request exactly what you know you'll need to win.

                 Organize :

Know clan strategy, organize your battles. 
    This is an area where the largest part of improvement can come, and where  clan strategy comes into play to help insure our success.  

1)  Lower level players first.
     It's important to allow the lower level  players (the bottom half of the clan especially) to battle first, usually within the first 12 hours, where as the top half should try to hold of and battle in the last 12 hours.  More often than not, this will allow the lower half to maximize star potential down low, and will allow the top half to better assess where we need to attack and/or clean up to insure a successful victory.  With the possibility of the lower ranks already 3 starred, it leaves less work for the top half to get the win.   In the event that there is a large gap in the score, 

2) Start at the bottom and work your way up..   
   Cleaning up stars is a crucial part of success.  There is no place for being a hero or letting pride or vengeance cloud our judgement.   A win for the team is first and foremost our goal.   Our standard of 90% destruction is often enough for us to win in Clan War, but there has been the occasional opponent that has equaled us star for star up till the very end.   This is when it's important, to work the top up when needed and clean up the stars.  In a perfect Clan War, the bottom half would battle and succeed in taking out their bottom 1/3rd, making it easier for our stronger members to finish out the middle to top levels.  Yet in the quest to get 100% destruction, the strategy is to battle inside our target areas for max of 3 stars, which means some bases need to be cleaned up for that single star that may be looming still.
 3) Target Ranges. 
   Our Target Range in Clan War is a bubble that surrounds our rank in the Clan War Map.   This is not your recommended attack!!   You may be ranked 15th yet your recommended may be 25, this does not help out the lower ranks.   To this affect we've instituted a Target Range in Clan Wars that sets an initial parameter, or range, based on where your ranked in the Clan War Map.  Essentially, that range is 5 above or 5 below your Ranking, and these are limits, or a range, not to be confused with who specifically you attack.  Adding your ranked number in the count, for example if your ranked 20, your range would be 16 to 20 counting up, and 20 to 24 counting down, so the bases you would focus on are bases 16-24 since your ranked 20th.   This gives you stronger bases to cover if you have stronger troops, and weaker bases in the event your troops aren't as strong as your map rank represents.  However, in the event that all these bases have been taken care of and all have been 3 starred, your next battle would be to go even lower to clean up stars if there are any to clean up.

   4) First attack aim for 3 stars.
   For your first attack, plan on attacking for all 3 stars.  This boosts our total destruction percentage up faster as well makes your second attack less pressure sensitive.  Too often players do not maximize the attack for 3 stars, and they are left with the feeling and need to get 3 on the next, so plan carefully...get that first 3 star attack in,  maximizing that first attack helps create a negative feel in our enemy by putting the pressure on them to perform thus making mistakes.

6) Demoralize the enemy clan 
  This is the best push we can have in our clan, and most often boosts our own Morale which results in better attacks by us.  The push for 3 stars down low to our middle ranks puts pressure against the enemy clan and often leads to them making mistakes out of desperation.  This is that feeling we want our enemy  clan to have, that feeling to give up because the cost of resources is not worth the effort of using.

7) Do not cold-accept new members.  On one last note, for elders and co's .... we do not accept new members during Clan War that we are not familiar with. We don't need clan hoppers or spies from the opposing clan.


1) Stay calm 
   No matter what happens with your battles, your troops, or with our members.  Stay the course with our strategy and focus on how you can win your battles.

2) Stay the course  
   No matter what the score may show, don't start changing unproven tactics just because you see us losing early.  Stick with the Clan Strategy and stick with what works for you.

 3) Study the enemy
   Where is the weak and strong spots.   A general military tactic applies well here, is to attack the weakest point/side with large amounts of troops.  Overwhelm with sheer  numbers. The  stronger points/sides will have many  troop distractions and strong defenses causing  heavy losses. Strong troops, dragons for example, can bypass walls  and hogs that can jump over walls. Find the quickest route to the defensive structures, plan your attack to take out the strongest defense, knocking out the strongest leaves weaker defenses which means less damage to your attacking troops.

4) Seek advice 
  Whenever you have questions/doubts , seek  advice and different views are not a bad thing and you might see something differently....better.

5) Full army attack
   Always make sure you have all of your spells, Hero's  etc.   Avoid less than getting 100% because of a forgotten spell or troop, or failing to go all out and save spells and such during war.

6) Scouting those 1 & 2 stared bases
A)  If your looking to battle a base that has already been hit and has 1 or 2 stars still to gain, be sure and watch the replay of the battle.  Study locations of bombs and traps  so that you can avoid them.  Replay shows you what clan castle troops they have and how strong they are, watch the replay and know what your up against.
B)  Use battle replays to learn where you and others need improvement. See how you and others could improve, most of all help your clan ... help one another in battle improvement.

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