Thursday, November 6, 2014



Level 1 & 2

Level 3 & 4

Introduction :

The Valkyrie has very high damage per second and hit points coupled with a 24 speed, quite a formidable troop.

Valkyries take 8 minutes to train & take 8 housing spaces each.

You can have a maximum of 30 Valkyries at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded army camps. This number increases to 34 if you include the 4 that can fit into a fully upgraded clan castle.

The Valkyrie is rather small and can easily be mistaken for a barbarians or archer.

The Valkyrie spins around with her heavy axe as she attacks, giving her a 360 degree attack range. This allows her to destroy multiple buildings at once. 

As part of the July 3 2014 update, the Valkyrie now has modified to go find spots between buildings, and make use of their unique attack. Also, once she has destroyed one of the buildings, she will move somewhere else for a more efficient attack (attacking two at once).

Offensive Strategy :

Drop the Valkyrie(s) near the barbarian king at the start of an attack. The Valkyries will do a lot of damage to heroes in an offensive attack and are an easy way to get rid of a lower level barbarian king, thus making the whole attack easier and more effective.

Use of the Valkyrie(s) against clan castle troops is a good idea, because they deal small area splash damage and will be able to take out groups of troops quickly and efficiently.

Try not to use the Valkyries in mass quantities at one location, as they will tend to bunch up around the outside of a well-defended base where mortars & wizard towers are grouped and ranged to cover each other, these will make short work of your Valkyries.

Defensive Strategy :

Valkyries are extremely powerful and can be a problem to deal with; they do a lot of splash damage (splash damage per attack ranging from 158-223 -per attack according to level) and have quite a bit of health(level 1-900, level 2-1000, level 3-1100, and level 4-1200) 
Although their damage has a splash component, it is short range (1 tile radius) and generally has no effect except when they are attacking clan castle troops (which they excel at) or walls. 

While they do not have any particular weakness like a P.E.K.K.A. does with the hidden Tesla, they also do not have any unusual offensive capabilities either (hog riders) so essentially the best defense against the Valkyrie is simply good base design.
Valkyries are wonderful clan castle troops. The splash damage makes them extremely effective against large groups of melee troops such as barbarians and goblins and are also very capable against groups of ranged troops such as archers and even wizards as well.
The Valkyrie can only attack ground troops and is completely ineffective against air troops. The Valkyries high health also allows her to survive many hits.

The Valkyrie is particularly deadly when deployed among barbarians as part of the clan castle complement; although she is a much more powerful troop, she is approximately the same size and can easily be missed in a group of barbarians. Often, to the unseasoned player it will take a few moments for the attacking player to notice her and understand why the ground troops are dying so quickly.

Statistics Chart :
Preferred Target Attack Type Housing SpaceTraining Time Movement SpeedAttack Speed Dark Barracks Level Required Range
None Area Splash 1 Tile Radius (Ground Only) 8 8m 24 1.8s 3 0.5 tiles
Level Damage per Second Damage per Attack Hit Points Training CostDark elixir Research CostDark elixir Lab Level Required Research Time
1 88 158.4 900 70 N/A N/A N/A
2 99 178.2 1,000 100 50,000 6 10 days
3 111 199.8 1,100 130 60,000 7 12 days
4 124 223.2 1,200 160 70,000 7 14 days

Property of Stacie & Seashell  LOL


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