Friday, September 26, 2014

Defensive Resource Buildings Usage

******Written for TH 7 & below, but is a good general information******


  One design used across all levels of clash of clans players is the tactic of placing buildings in the corners of the map.   I've seen lot of battles with players using the "corner buildings" design. and that's using the resource buildings to your advantage in your Regular base.  Experienced players know in clan wars the focus is not on resources, it's on destroying the opponents TH.   With this knowledge we can use it to our advantage in designing a stronger and likely more distracting war base.

Players Have Different Thoughts On This Topic

Consider the use of resource buildings in the corners of the war base rather than builders huts.  On the clan war map, it is wise  swapping out builder huts in the corners with resource buildings,  resource buildings  have more hit points take longer to destroy, eating into your attackers time clock.

  Builder huts take very little time to destroy, no problem for any troop used.   Archers and/or Barbs are the standard troop that are dropped.  so the reasoning is to burn time off your opponents clock,  thus it makes good sense to place a building there that takes 
time to destroy.


HP's of various structures :

Building Level Hit Points TH level

Builder Huts
Gold Collector 1 400
Gold Collector 10 710  TH 5
Gold Collector 11 750  TH 7
Elixir Collector 1 400
Elixir Collector 10 710
Elixir Collector 11 750
Dark Drill 1 400  TH 8
Dark Drill 3 690  TH 9
Dark Drill 6 1000  TH 9
Gold Storage 1 400  TH 1
Gold Storage 9 1820  TH 5
Gold Storage 11 2016  TH 7
Elixir Container 1 400  TH 1
Elixir Container 9 1820  TH 5
Elixir Container 11 2016  TH 7
Dark Elixir Storage 1 2000  TH 7
Dark Elixir Storage 3 2400  TH 8
Dark Elixir Storage 6 3200  TH 9

The builders huts provide 250 hit points, very little time used to destroy. The gold and elixir storage's provide the best hit points worth of time for the war base layout.  Two storage buildings at level 11 provide 2016 hit points 8X more than the  builders huts.  Dark elixir storage at 3200 hit points provides 12X more hit points than a builders hut,  when at max level.

  On the clan war map, even though your resource buildings on a war map can be destroyed, the enemy does not collect any resources from resource building 
destruction.   The amount that is received at the end of battle is from the stars  gained by beating your defense. 
 Any resources gained does not come from yours come from your resources.   You are not out any resources from a loss of any kind in clan war, don't be concerned protecting resource buildings.  Use them to eat the clock up

This  building use tactic is very useful against an all dragons or all balloons, due to their slower speed, balloon 10 & dragon 16.  Slower troops take more time to cross distances and time is the attackers enemy. The longer the attackers troops are busy in corners  equals more time used. This can sometimes make the difference between 2 stars and 3 stars, even when faced with a strong attacker.


  Some inexperienced in war see loot (which they do not receive) .  Storage building placement at the corners is a great distraction for this type of player who is motivated to attack only for resources.

You can also use these resource buildings as bulkheads next to your walls.  Due to high hit points, they can cause a enemy to waste a lot of time on taking out those buildings prior to getting inside your walls.  In this scenario, it allows defenses time to do more damage per second thus reducing their numbers and logically the amount of damage received while eating  into your attackers ticking time. Placement of these buildings next your walls or next to Mortars or Wizard Towers, both of which have splash damage, or even by ADs to maximize attackers time used.

These strong buildings in corners will make the enemy waste time. Movement from one location to another or attacker using small troops to take out those high hit point buildings all waste time. Players drop a few barbs on the corners to take out corner buildings before they send in the rest of the troops is something seen often.  In a clan war situation, this can burn considerable time up if they only deploy 1 barb/archer per building.  Then when that troop is done, it has to travel to the next building, as the long range defenses do more damage per unit of time.   This is an easy design to put into practice, and  best of all in clan wars, your war base does NOT lose resources, 

It is a different way of thinking than your regular base in which your goal is protection of resources, your war base goal is protection of your Town Hall, at the most the attacker will ONLY get one star.

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