Saturday, October 25, 2014

Barbarian King & Archer Queen

Barbarian King

 The Tank Specialist

 General Information:

The Barbarian King is basically a larger, more powerful barbarian. He is summoned once the king alter  is constructed. ( Costs 10,000 dark elixir) The Barbarian King is an immortal unit, so he only has to be summoned once. If he is injured or falls in battle, he must regenerate his health by sleeping for a period of time before he can be used again. The amount of time he sleeps to regenerate is proportional to health he has lost in battle. The more you upgrade your  King, the more time it will take to fully regenerate his health.You can temporarily quadruple the hero's healing rate for 2 hours by spending 10 gems if in a hurry.The Barbarian King now only defends his territory around his platform and will retreat if lured too far out since his last game change. The Barbarian King can be healed by healing spell or a healer while battling; however, this healing occurs at 50% of the rate of that of normal troops. Tapping on the Barbarian King or his alter (while not in battle) will reveal the area the King will defend. Each successive upgrade of the Barbarian King adds approximately 2.5% health and 2% damage, but also adds a constant two minutes to his total regeneration time. The Barbarian King is not affected by the spring trap. Starting at level 5, the Barbarian King obtains an ability called Iron Fist which can be used on the battlefield. It partially heals him, summons up to twenty additional barbarians and grants the Barbarian King and any surrounding barbarians increased damage and speed. This does not stack with the rage spell Once the Barbarian King is deployed, his icon in the troop deployment window becomes the activation method for Iron Fist. Simply click on his icon again and Iron Fist will be activated. When The Iron fist is activated the Barbarian King gains a temporary rage spell-like effect around him, except smaller and it only affects Barbarians. The Barbarian King only summons Barbarians equal to the level of your Barbarians researched in your laboratory. 


Offensive Strategy:
When attacking, he can be deployed just like any other unit. He is best used with healer & archer support  when in the first levels where he is not able to self-heal. When your king has acquired  the "Iron Fist"  and it is applied any nearby barbarians will be affected by it. (unlike the Archer Queen, where she can't affect archers) The king is quite effective at destroying remaining buildings after most or all defenses are destroyed. The king can be easily swarmed by a group of  archers or barbs since  he only attacks one target at a time and has slow attack speed
Defensive Strategy:

He is very strong on offense, but only attacks one target at a time on defense which makes him easy to kill with multiple units.It is a good idea to place the alter in the middle, near your town hall on the war map to make maximum defensive use of him. The king cannot damage air troops unlike the queen which attacks both .Unlike troops in the clan castle, the king cannot be lured to the edge of the map and then destroyed out of range of the defenses (unless his alter is near the edge). If his target moves out of his patrol area, he will retreat and engage another enemy inside his patrol area, with no enemies he simply patrols. 

Preferred Target Attack Type Movement Speed
Attack Speed Range Search Radius
None Ground 16 1.2s 1 tile 13 tiles
Level Damage per Second Damage per Hit DPS in Ability Hit Points Regen Time Ability Level  Training Cost Dark elixir Training Time Town Hall Level Req.
1 120 144 N/A 1,700 30m N/A. 10,000 None 7
2 122 146.4 N/A 1,742 32m N/A 12,500 12h 7
3 124 148.8 N/A 1,786 34m N/A 15,000 1d 7
4 127 152.4 N/A 1,830 36m N/A 17,500 1d 12h 7
5 129 154.8
1,876 38m 1 20,000 2d 7
6 132 158.4
1,923 40m 1 22,500 2d 12h 8
7 135 162
1,971 42m 1 25,000 3d 8
8 137 164.4
2,020 44m 1 30,000 3d 12h 8
9 140 168
2,071 46m 1 35,000 4d 8
10 143 171.6
2,123 48m 2 40,000 4d 12h 8
11 146 175.2
2,176 50m 2 45,000 5d 9
12 149 178.8
2,230 52m 2 50,000 5d 12h 9
13 152 182.4
2,286 54m 2 55,000 6d 9
14 155 186
2,343 56m 2 60,000 6d 12h 9
15 158 189.6
2,402 58m 3 65,000 7d 9
16 161 193.2
2,462 1h 3 70,000 7d 9
17 164 196.8
2,523 1h 2m 3 75,000 7d 9
18 168 201.6
2,586 1h 4m 3 80,000 7d 9
19 171 205.2
2,651 1h 6m 3 85,000 7d 9
20 174 208.8
2,717 1h 8m 4 90,000 7d 9
21 178 213.6
2,785 1h 10m 4 95,000 7d 9
22 181 217.2
2,855 1h 12m 4 100,000 7d 9
23 185 222
2,926 1h 14m 4 105,000 7d 9
24 189 226.8
2,999 1h 16m 4 110,000 7d 9
25 193 231.6
3,074 1h 18m 5 115,000 7d 9
26 196 235.2
3,151 1h 20m 5 120,000 7d 9
27 200 240
3,230 1h 22m 5 125,000 7d 9
28 204 244.8
3,311 1h 24m 5 130,000 7d 9
29 208 249.6
3,394 1h 26m 5 135,000 7d 9
30 213 255.6
3,478 1h 28m 6 140,000 7d 9
31 217 260.4
3,565 1h 30m 6 145,000 7d 10
32 221 265.2
3,655 1h 32m 6 150,000 7d 10
33 226 271.2
3,746 1h 34m 6 155,000 7d 10
34 230 276
3,840 1h 36m 6 160,000 7d 10
35 235 282
3,936 1h 38m 7 165,000 7d 10
36 239 286.8
4,034 1h 40m 7 170,000 7d 10
37 244 292.8
4,135 1h 42m 7 175,000 7d 10
38 249 298.8
4,238 1h 44m 7 180,000 7d 10
39 254 304.8
4,344 1h 46m 7 185,000 7d 10
40 259 310.8
4,453 1h 48m 8 190,000 7d 10

Iron Fist Ability

Ability Level Damage Increase Health Recovery Speed Increase Summoned Units Ability Time
1 56 500 18 6 10s
2 101 620 19 8 10s
3 147 752 20 10 10s
4 195 899 21 12 10s
5 245 1,063 22 14 10s
6 298 1,247 23 16 10s
7 354 1,455 24 18 10s
8 414 1,692 25 20 10s

Archer Queen

The Damage Specialist

General Information:

The queen is summoned once the archer queen alter is constructed.  (Costs 40,000 dark elixir). The amount of time she sleeps to regenerate is directly proportional to the health she has left at the end of the battle. So if she is not damaged then she is ready to fight immediately; however, if she falls in battle or even gets hit, then she must sleep for some time to regenerate. As in the king. the more the archer queen is upgraded, the more time it will take to fully regenerate her health, and like the king you can temporarily quadruple the hero's healing rate for 2 hours by spending 10 gems. The Archer Queen shoots 3 rapid arrows per shot (they cannot affect multiple targets, however). When the Archer Queen is upgrading you can't use her on the battlefield and she can't defend your village. The Archer Queen is not affected by the spring trap. The Royal Cloak allows her to become "invisible" to enemy defenses for a short period of time, in addition to greatly increasing her damage, restoring some of her health and summoning up to 12 archers to aid her in battle. The Archer Queen's Royal Cloak ability summons archers of the same level that the player has researched in their laboratory. For example : if the player has researched level 5 archers, the archer queen will summon level 5 archers.

Offensive Strategy:

 She has better range than an archer (1.5 tiles more than 3.5 (5 tiles range))  a good strategy is to place a group of meat shields (giants, golems, or pekkas) in front followed by a group of archers with queen trailing last. This setup is similar with all troops, queen in back since her range is 5 tiles. That minimizes the chance of her being defeated or even hit and maximizes her damage capabilities by staying in the battle longer.

Defensive Strategy:

A centered archer queen and barb king make for a powerful defense on your war base, giving the town hall a much higher chance of survival by concentrating their power. Beware of freeze spells in placement. Alternatively they can also be spaced out to cover a larger range. The appropriate placement depends on what is suitable for your particular village.The Archer Queen is more suitable for defense, attacks faster and hits harder than the barb king, doing this from a long range, she can strike both ground and air units. she has dramatically lower health than an equivalent level king though, so placement where her movement is behind walls in a defensive position during war is a good option.

Preferred Target Attack Type Movement Speed Attack Speed Range Search Radius
None Ranged Ground and Air 24 0.75s 5 tiles 13 tiles
Level Damage per Second Damage per Hit Hit  Points Regen Time Ability Level Training CostDark elixir Training Time   Town Hall Level Req.
1 160 120 725 30m N/A 40,000 None 9
2 164 123 740 32m N/A 22,500 12h 9
3 168 126 755 34m N/A 25,000 1d 9
4 172 129 771 36m N/A 27,500 1d 12h 9
5 176 132 787 38m 1 30,000 2d 9
6 181 135.75 804 40m 1 32,500 2d 12h 9
7 185 138.75 821 42m 1 35,000 3d 9
8 190 142.5 838 44m 1 40,000 3d 12h 9
9 194 145.5 856 46m 1 45,000 4d 9
10 199 149.25 874 48m 2 50,000 4d 12h 9
11 204 153 892 50m 2 55,000 5d 9
12 209 156.75 911 52m 2 60,000 5d 12h 9
13 215 161.25 930 54m 2 65,000 6d 9
14 220 165 949 56m 2 70,000 6d 12h 9
15 226 169.5 969 58m 3 75,000 7d 9
16 231 173.25 990 1h 3 80,000 7d 9
17 237 177.75 1,010 1h 2m 3 85,000 7d 9
18 243 182.25 1,032 1h 4m 3 90,000 7d 9
19 249 186.75 1,053 1h 6m 3 95,000 7d 9
20 255 191.25 1,076 1h 8m 4 100,000 7d 9
21 262 196.5 1,098 1h 10m 4 105,000 7d 9
22 268 201 1,121 1h 12m 4 110,000 7d 9
23 275 206.25 1,145 1h 14m 4 115,000 7d 9
24 282 211.5 1,169 1h 16m 4 120,000 7d 9
25 289 216.75 1,193 1h 18m 5 125,000 7d 9
26 296 222 1,218 1h 20m 5 130,000 7d 9
27 304 228 1,244 1h 22m 5 135,000 7d 9
28 311 233.25 1,270 1h 24m 5 140,000 7d 9
29 319 239.25 1,297 1h 26m 5 145,000 7d 9
30 327 245.25 1,324 1h 28m 6 150,000 7d 9
31 335 251.25 1,352 1h 30m 6 155,000 7d 10
32 344 258 1,380 1h 32m 6 160,000 7d 10
33 352 264 1,409 1h 34m  6 165,000 7d 10
34 361 270.75 1,439 1h 36m 6 170,000 7d 10
35 370 277.5 1,469 1h 38m 7 175,000 7d 10
36 379 284.25 1,500 1h 40m 7 180,000 7d 10
37 389 291.75 1,532 1h 42m 7 185,000 7d 10
38 398 298.5 1,564 1h 44m 7 190,000 7d 10
39 408 306 1,597 1h 46m 7 195,000 7d 10
40 419 314.25 1,630 1h 48m 8 200,000 7d 10

Royal Cloak Ability

Ability Level Damage Increase Health Recovery Ability Time Summoned Units
1 300 150 3.6s 5
2 355 175 3.8s 6
3 416 200 4.0s 7
4 483 225 4.2s 8
5 557 250 4.4s 9
6 638 275 4.6s 10
7 725 300 4.8s 11
8 819 325 5.0s 12

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