Monday, September 29, 2014

Latest Troops Additions & Upgrades

Lava Hound

Lava hound 1 2Lava HoundLava hound 1

Lava Hound

Facts on Lava Hound :
The Lava Hound is like a flying fiery golem, except its favorite target is specifically air defenses. The lava hound deals splash damage when it dies, then splits into lava pups.  When the lava hound attacks buildings it bounces like the minion while shooting fireballs. The lava hound first attacks air defenses, then other defensive buildings

 Main weaknesses :
   1)  Single targeting inferno tower, it can wreck a lava hound quite fast.
   2) High level seeking air mines, combinations of seeking air mines with air mines adding to damages.

   They seem to work better in pairs, just an observation. They revive the high level giant/healer combos in that the lava hound provides air cover to your healers, which before was the main failure of that particular combination.

The Lava Hound is like a flying fiery golem, except its favorite target is specifically air defenses. The lava hound deals splash damage when it dies, then splits into lava pups.  When the lava hound attacks buildings it bounces like the minion while shooting fireballs. The lava hound first attacks air defenses, then other defensive buildings.

Offensive Strategy :
   Lava Hounds have a large amount of hit points, which makes them a useful tank for air units. They can offer protection to dragons, balloons, healers, and minions. 

Lava Hound Information :
Training Time: 45 minutes Supply Cost: 30 Movement Speed: 20 Targets: Ground & Air Preferred Target: Air Defense Towers Dark Barracks Required: Level 6

Damage Per Second (DPS)
Attack Speed
Damage Per Hit
Hit points
1101 attack per 2 seconds205700
2121 attack per 2 seconds246200
3141 attack per 2 seconds286700

LevelTraining Cost (DE)Upgrade Cost (DE)Laboratory LevelTown Hall
245060,000 (10 Days)79
351070,000 (12 days)810

LevelLava Pups ProducedLava Pup DPSLava Pup Damage Per HitLava Pup hp

Archer Level 7
At level 7, the Archer gains a small, purple crystal on her tiara. Her cape becomes lined with a gold fabric.

Barbarian, Level 7
At level 7, the Barbarian replaces the dark broadsword with a lighter colored gray sword which appears to be molten on each edge, and gains a gray horned helm with golden accents. The spiked bracelets on his wrists turn black, and the spikes become gold.

Archer Tower Level 13
At level 13, the 3 golden guard shields fuse together into 2, becoming thicker and the silver plating on the top becomes golden instead. The plating the lower spikes are attached to become a deep crimson, and the corner shields themselves turn red. The tower also gains a gold colored base at each leg and a lighter hue on the wood on top.

War Castle Troop Calculations

What are the best troops to have in your War Castle? 

Dragons for higher-level players and a mixture of Wizards and Archers for lower-level players?

  Mathematics can be used to determine which  mathematically...may be best. There are so many variables involved, other than math analysis in actual game play, thus the "may be best".

Three main general requirements for your war clan castle are:

  Ranged -behind walls defenders, high hit points-last longer, and high damage- dispose of enemy fast.
   Mathematically, Root Mean Square Analysis was applied to rate performance using hit points & dps stats for each troop, resulting in a figure, here labeled root mean damage. Large RMD shows the top performance troop. Lower numbers equates to a low damage and/or low hps.

Includes Archer lvl 7

For example :
   From the above chart using level 4 troops and a 20 space clan castle,  the castle can hold 5 wizards that do 625dps (damage per second) combined & have 650hps(hit points) combined compared to 20 archers that have 320dps(damage per second) combined & 660hps(hit points) combined. 

  Wizards & Archers hps(hit points) are close to equal, but damage wise the wizards do twice as much dps(damage per second).  (1.95 actual so approximately double.) 

Looking at the damage chart, the wizard is the highest.

Wizards show highest-rated  RMD

Looking at troop cost, clearly the numbers show the archer is best, cheap for defensive clan castle while offline. 

Archers showing highest-rated perfomance per cost ratio

 In summary, 
mathematically wizards appear to be the best choice for your war clan castle and Archers the cheapest per performance... mathematically, beware of other game variables that math will not account for in actual war. In your War Castle cheap is not what you need,  defense that does maximum damage,  that is ranged,  and has enough hit points to get the job done.. the wizard is this choice. 

Loot Protection

When a higher level player decides to raids you , where do you want your loot? 
Ask yourself... 

Option 1)  Keep your Town Hall at the minimum possible level. Upgrade all troops, barracks, and army camps before the next level Town Hall. Higher-level opponents face a loot penalty when looting you.

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Don’t upgrade your town hall until your troops and defenses are ready, thus lowering losses from higher level bases.

 Option 2) Spend loot as quickly as possible. Can’t steal what is not there. Build up enough loot to fund upgrades, spend leftover gold/elixir on walls.  A base unattended with 300k or more sitting in gold/elixir is begging to get looted. You’ll return to a shield, minus the large amount of resources looted. Spend on upgrades, don't leave it sitting around.

 Option 3) Regular collection from gold mines, elixir collectors, and the dark elixir drill. These buildings have huge raid penalties. An attacker can steal 50% from your gold mines or elixir collector, far less collected and moved to resource storage.

Example : A attacker can take 75% from your dark elixir drill, but only 5% if you move it into the dark elixir storage.

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Let's cover the topic and often asked question:
What about the loot stored in my clan castle?

 Safer than regular storage, but better if you spend it.  Once again, can't loot what you do not have.The amounts looted from your clan castle is half that of a storage, based on Town Hall level:
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  1. Spend your resources on upgrades if possible before logging off. Spend leftover gold on walls. Leave nothing for an attacker to loot.
  2. Clean out mines & collectors routinely.
  3. Leave the resources in your clan castle until you are ready to spend. Don’t move it unnecessarily into your storage.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

War Record

War Summary:
11 Wins... IN A ROW! /0 Losses/0 Ties
2 -  100% War Wins

WAR  12

War 11
Another Easy Win,  
Awesome Teamwork! 
98.9% Average Destruction

War 10 :

Another Clan Shut Down,
Easy Win Though Our Combined Efforts,
96.5% Average Destruction
Well Done! 

War 9 :

Another Easy Win For Us
Our Teamwork And Fierce Attacks
Shutdown This Opponent
96.8% Average Destruction! 

War 8 :

A Easy Victory For Us
Teamwork Dominated Again! 
99.9% Average Destruction
So Close To Yet Another 100%

War 7 :

This was a good challenge for us,
We came though victorious!
 99.0% Average Destruction!

War 6 :

Our SECOND 100%
100% Average Destruction, 
Superior Performance!

War 5: 

96.8% Average Destruction,
So Close To Another 100%! Way To Go! 


War 4: 

Another Great Victory! 
94.6% Average destruction! 
Way To Go! 

War 3: 

90.8% Average Destruction
Another victory!  Great work everyone! 

War 2
100% Average Destruction
 Our First 100%, Congrads!

War 1
 95.3% Average Destruction
Very Impressive First War
Great work clan!