Friday, October 31, 2014


                          Balloon1C Balloon3C Balloon5C Balloon6 250
                  Level 1 & 2  Level 3 & 4       Level 5       Level 6


Balloons are slow-moving aerial units that do devastating amounts of splash damage to ground targets. 

Balloons  target defenses first.

Balloons are the slowest moving & and slowest-attacking troop in the game.

Balloons explode and deal additional damage when destroyed.

You can have a maximum of 48 balloons at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded army camps.
 This number increases to 55 if you include the 7 that can fit into a fully upgraded clan castle. 

Level 6 balloons do more damage per attack then a level 1 P.E.E.K.A..

 The research cost for a level 6 Balloon is less than the research cost of a level 6 archer, even though level 6 balloons have more damage per attack and more hit points.

 With the exception of the healer (which cannot attack anything at all), the balloon is the only unit in the game that cannot attack an enemy version of itself.

 The Balloon's DPS is the same as its damage upon death.

 There is a big "jump" in statistics from a level 5 balloon to a level 6 balloon.


Preferred Target Attack Type Housing Space Training Time Speed
Attack Speed Barracks Level Required Range Death Damage Radius
Area Splash 1.2 Tile Radius (Ground Only) 5 8m 10 4s 6 0.5 tiles 1.2 tiles
Level Damage per Second Damage per Attack Hit points Training CostElixir Research Cost Elixir Lab Level Required Research Time
1 25 100 150 2,000 N/A N/A N/A
2 32 128 180 2,500 150,000 2 1 day
3 48 192 216 3,000 450,000 4 2 days
4 72 288 280 3,500 1,350,000 5 3 days
5 108 432 390 4,000 2,500,000 6 5 days
6 162 648 545 4,500 6,000,000 7 10 days

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Traps: Bomb, Spring Trap, Air Bomb, Seeking Air Mine, Skeleton Trap, and Giant Bomb

Bomb5 Spring trap Giantbomb3and4
Bomb Spring Trap Giant Bomb
SeekingAirMine 3 Skeleton Trap
Air Bomb Seeking Air Mine Skeleton Trap

Traps : 
Bomb, Spring Trap, Air Bomb, Seeking Air Mine, Skeleton Trap, and Giant Bomb  

(1) Bomb

They are the weakest of all trap devices, bombs can still have a positive impact on the effectiveness of a village's defense if properly placed, but make sure they are always re-armed. 

The bomb explodes approximately 1.5 seconds after an enemy comes within 1 tile of it, causing splash damage to every enemy within 3 tiles.

This delay means that you'll want to place the bomb in an area where troops are likely to remain for a period of time, like right next to a building they're attacking. 
Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 6
Level Damage Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Required
1 12 400 400 Instant 0 2
2 16 1,000 500 15 minutes 30 3
3 20 10,000 600 2 hours 84 5
4 26 100,000 700 8 hours 169 7
5 34 1,000,000 800 1 day 293 8
6 42 1,500,000 900 2 days 415 9
Trigger Radius Damage Radius Damage Type Favorite Target Targets
1.5 tiles 3 tiles Area Splash Any Ground

(2) Spring Trap 

​Instant removal to the first group of enemies that step on it, bouncing up to 15 housing units of troops. 

Cannot affect a P.E.K.K.A (heavy armor) and ineffective against golems & hero's.

The spring trap often does not affect the goblin either, but this is because the goblin is too fast for the spring trap to bounce it away. If there is a horde of goblins, the spring trap will bounce the goblins in the back, since the goblin in front triggered it first.

The spring trap is the only trap that can´t be upgraded

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 6
Re-Arm Cost Gold Trigger Radius Damage Type Favorite Target Targets
2,000 0.7 tiles Single Target Any Ground

(3) Air Bomb

 An airborne version of the normal bomb, though the trigger radius and blast radius of the air bomb is much greater. 

Extremely effective against large groups of minions, and does a significant amount of damage to balloons (especially level 3 and below). It is much less effective against higher health targets such as dragons, lava hounds etc.

A air bomb next to the air defense can turn out pretty deadly. Once ground troops destroy the air defense, many times the attacker deploys powerful air units (dragons for example) at once, and the air bomb might be able to take down one or two weakened units and more if severely damaged, thus quickly ending the attack. 

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 5
Level Damage Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Required
1 100 4,000 3,000 Instant 0 5
2 120 20,000 4,000 4 hours 120 5
3 144 200,000 5,000 12 hours 207 7
4 173 1,500,000 6,000 1 day 293 9
Trigger Radius Damage Radius Damage Type Favorite Target Targets
5 tiles 3 tiles Area Splash Any Air

(4) Seeking Air Mine

The Seeking Air Mine is a trap that affects a single flying unit.

The seeking air mine does not cause splash damage but it does inflict a great amount of damage to powerful troops (dragons & healers).

While the seeking air mine is incapable of taking out minions, it will attack healers, dragons, lava hounds, and balloons. 

A good strategic location for the seeking air mine is next to an air defense. The enemy destroys the air defense, deploys flying units(dragons are prime targets) ,  seeking air mine targets for high damage to single unit.

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 5
Level Damage Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Required
1 1,500 15,000 15,000 Instant 0 7
2 1,800 2,000,000 17,500 1 day 293 9
3 2,100 4,000,000 20,000 3 days 509 10
Trigger Radius Damage Type Favorite Target Targets
4 tiles Single Target Any Air

 (5) Skeleton Trap

Skeleton traps are structures that remain hidden until they are activated by an attacking troop(s)  moving into their trigger radius.

They can be configured to attack either ground troops or air troops. 

The number of skeletons released depends on the level of the Skeleton Trap. 

The skeletons from the trap have the exact same stats as the skeletons summoned by the witch.

Skeleton traps were added in the 2014 October 22 Halloween update, but are a permanent addition that will remain available after the holiday has passed, unlike in previous years. 

Skeleton traps are currently the only traps that can target ground or air troops.

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3
Level Spawned Units Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Required
1 2 6,000 6,000 1 hour 60 8
2 3 600,000 8,000 6 hours 146 8
3 4 1,300,000 10,000 1 day 293 9
Trigger Radius Favorite Target Targets
5 tiles Any Air or Ground

 (6) Giant Bomb

Essentially a much more powerful (and expensive) version of the bomb. This creates splash damage to all enemies within a 3-4 tile radius, depending on the giant bombs level. 

 Hog riders are the preferred targets of giant bombs, the bomb will still be triggered by (and damage) any ground troop(s)  that come into its range. 

A giant bomb takes up the same amount of space (2x2) as a hidden Tesla.

Be cautious when upgrading the giant bomb, as this will reveal its location to future attackers. Combat this by relocating it during the upgrade period. 

Some players prefer to place the bomb further into their bases to act as a trap for hog rider & giant groups. Placing them between two defensive buildings ensures that the giants and riders are closely grouped before triggering the bomb.

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Level Damage Damage Radius Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Required
1 175 3 tiles 12,500 12,500 N/A 0 6
2 200 3.5 tiles 75,000 15,000 6 hours 146 6
3 225 3.5 tiles 750,000 17,500 1 day 293 8
4 250 4 tiles 2,500,000 20,000 3 days 509 10
Trigger Radius Damage Type Favorite Target Targets 

              2 tiles Area                   Splash                               hog rider (damage x1.5)           Ground

Town Hall

Town Hall1 Town Hall2 Town Hall3 Town Hall4 Town Hall5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Town Hall6 Town Hall7 Town Hall8 Town Hall9 Town Hall10
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Town Hall

1)  The Town Hall always has the capacity to store 1,000 each of gold & elixir, which means that when you start the game you will not need a gold or elixir storage to start constructing buildings. 

2)  When farming, you should leave your town hall outside your walls undefended, and when trophy hunting put it in the center surrounded by defenses.

3)  If players are collecting trophies and especially designing war base they should protect their town hall at all costs. 

4) When the Town Hall is destroyed it is an automatic win for the attacker and a gain of one star.

5)  If players are pursuing rapid growth, large amounts of  resources will be needed. In order to improve the collecting of  resources, placing the Town Hall in a completely unprotected area should be considered : 
          A) Anyone can destroy it. This provides a 12 hour shield, free of charge, from the defeat. This tactic improves the odds of receiving a shield 

             B) People who would rather take the quick town hall kill instead of attacking more aggressively are probably weaker opponents. Revenge can be taken against that player at a more advantageous time, for instance, when they have a lot of resources and defensive buildings unavailable due to upgrades.
 6) Town Halls have the highest hit points of any building, with exception of walls, which means they take a long time to destroy .

7)  Placing your Town Hall within range of your most powerful defenses can give it the most shots to destroy attackers. The disadvantages of an undefended Town Hall are that trophies can be lost and that 1,000 of both gold & elixir will be lost per attack, although for higher level players this isn't very much at all.

 8) I that you upgrade everything you possibly can (e.g. buildings, troops, defenses etc.) before upgrading the Town Hall to the next level. 

9) If maximizing your builder time is important to you, it is inefficient to wait until literally all of your building upgrades are finished before beginning the town hall, as all but one of your builders will be idle for the duration of your town hall upgrade. In order to keep all of your builders occupied (but ensure they are all available when the town hall finishes) you should plan for the town hall upgrade to finish just as the remaining builders are finishing their final projects.

   If you are currently at town hall level 7 and have three builders, you should upgrade your Town Hall (which takes 8 days) when the total remaining upgrading time of other buildings approaches 16 days. Do not place your town hall in a corner surrounded by walls, troops can still be placed next to the town hall.  

Town Hall Level And Matchmaking When Doing A Search For A Base To Attack:

There is a lot of confusion with regard to how town hall levels affect matchmaking when searching for a base attack using the base feature. The answer doesn't. Matchmaking is based solely on trophies. However, the loot available to gain is affected by town hall level. Players get reduced loot for attacking lower level town halls. 

The following table describes this reduction: 

Town Hall Levels—Loot Multiplier 

Town Hall Level % of Loot Available
    Same or higher level 100%
1 level lower 90%
2 levels lower 50%
3 levels lower 25%
          4 or more levels lower 5%

Miscellaneous Facts:

1) 5 level 6 lightening spells can destroy Town Halls of level 4 and lower.

   2) The lava flowing from town hall 10 structure represents the inferno towers this is the level they unlock and are available.

3) The level 10 Town Hall was added as a part of the May 23, 2013, "Fiery Fortress" update (Version 4.14).

  4) The level 9 Town Hall was added as a part of the October 27, 2012, update (Version 2.86).

Town Hall Construction

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Level Hit Points Build Cos Gold Build Time Experience Gain XP Maximum Number
of Buildings Available
1 1,500 N/A N/A N/A 14
2 1,600 1,000 5 minutes 17 19
3 1,850 4,000 3 hours 103 26
4 2,100 25,000 1 day 293 31
5 2,400 150,000 2 days 415 38
6 2,800 750,000 4 days 587 42
7 3,200 1,200,000 6 days 720 54
8 3,700 2,000,000 8 days 831 62
9 4,200 3,000,000 10 days 929 72
10 5,000 4,000,000 14 days 1,099 80

Town Hall - Maximum Number of Buildings
TH Level Mines/Elixir Storage'sDark Elixir Drills
Gold & Elixir Storage Dark Elixir StorageDark BarracksBarracksArmy CampsLab Spell Factory
1 1 - 1 - - 1 1 - -
2 2 - 1 - - 2 1 - -
3 3 - 2 - - 2 2 1 -
4 4 - 2 - - 3 2 1 -
5 5 - 2 - - 3 3 1 1
6 6 - 2 - - 3 3 1 1
7 6 - 2 1 1 4 4 1 1
8 6 1 3 1 2 4 4 1 1
9 6 2 4 1 2 4 4 1 1
10 7 3 4 1 2 4 4 1 1

Maximum Buildings Per Town Hall Level

TH Level Cannon
Archer Towers
Air Defense
Wizard Tower
Giant Bomb
Air Bomb
Seeking Air Mine
Skeleton Trap
Hidden Tesla
X-Bow [Collapse] Inferno Tower
1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - - -
3 4 3 3 1 2 - - - - - - - -
4 5 4 4 2 2 2 - - - - - - -
5 6 6 5 3 3 3 2 - 2 - - - -
6 7 7 6 4 3 4 3 2 2 - - - -
7 8 8 7 5 4 5 4 2 3 1 - 3 -
8 10 10 8 6 5 6 6 3 3 1 2 6 - -
9 11 11 10 7 6 7 7 3 4 2 3 7 3 -
10 12 13 11 8 6 8 8 4 4 3 3 8 4 3